Membership Registration

Please choose an individual password of your choice, something memorable to you!

Payments are processed by Paypal whether you wish to use a Paypal account or a one-off credit/debit card payment. Membership paid for with a Paypal account will be automatically renewed annually. Those paying with a one-off credit/debit card will need to manually pay for membership every twelve months.


Step One – Membership Category

To get started please choose your membership type below.

Please note, if you are not a registered veterinary surgeon or student, we may ask for university affiliations or credentials while validating your membership.


Standard membership is available to all veterinary surgeons and costs £30 per annum.
-Please choose whether you will pay using a Paypal account; where fees will be automatically taken from your Paypal account annually, or using a one-off card payment; where subscriptions will need to be paid manually every year. You will receive a reminder when these are due.


Practice Membership is available for an annual fee of £100. Please use a practice email address to sign up as you will need to share login details with your colleagues.


Student membership includes free membership as student. Once graduated you will become a Standard Member and payment will be required.


Life members are honorary members as decided by the BVCS. Please contact BVCS to receive the promotional code to allow you to register as a life member.



Payment Plans

Promo / Coupon Code

If you have a promotional code, please enter it here:

Step Two – Practice Contact Details

Please enter your practice contact details below:

Additional Details

Login Information

Additional Information

Final Steps

* denotes required field