UK Camelid Resources

If you wish to learn more about keeping camelids, the show world, and the organisations that support camelid welfare in the UK, follow the links below.


BAS logo

The British Alpaca Society

The BAS is a membership society dedicated to the welfare of alpacas and the education of their owners in the UK.

BLS Logo

British Llama Society

Established in June 2006, The British Llama Society was set up to promote all aspects of llama and guanaco ownership.

british camelids

British Camelids

British Camelids was formed to represent owners, breeders & enthusiasts of llamas, alpacas, guanacos, vicunas and camels.

 British Veterinary Zoological Society

British Veterinary Zoological Society

The BVZS supports and promotes veterinary knowledge in the health, welfare and conservation of free-ranging and captive wildlife.

ohio uni logo

International Camelid Institute

Camelid health resource list from the International Camelid Institute at The Ohio State University.

liverpool uni

Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice

Work towards the designated ‘Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (Camelid Practice)’ at the University of Liverpool.